Monday, August 2, 2010

Jane's Birth

We were once again blessed with a beautiful natural birth. Jane's due date was 12 June 2010 and on exactly that date at 1:30am in the morning I went into labour. Andy and I stayed at my parents' house for the last week of my pregnancy because our home is a 45 minutes drive to the hospital whereas they stay 5 minutes drive away. My dad took my mom and me through to the hospital about half an hour after my labour started because I could feel the contractions were very strong and coming on faster. Andy stayed with my Granny at my parents house. Luke came through from our home and arrived at the hospital at 2:30am. When I got to the hospital and had my first check to see how far I was dilated I felt quite relieved as it was already 9cm. The contractions were so strong, nothing at all to the first few hours of Andy's labour.

My gynecologist got contacted as soon as I arrived and she arrived at the hospital at 3:03am (after having attended the first soccer world cup game a few hours earlier). She ruptured the membranes (broke my water) and within 7 minutes and a few hectic contractions Jane was born. My mom and Luke were there all the time and it was such a special experience to share with the wonderful lady who gave birth to me and my husband (my king and best friend).

Jane was put on my chest immediately after birth and latched on for the first time as I adoringly cuddled my little girl. Luke cut the cord again like he did at Andy's birth.

All in all it was a beautiful experience and a relieving 2 hours from the first contraction till when she was born (with Andy I was in labour for 13 hours).

After cuddling with Mommy, Daddy got a chance to cuddle too...

In my hospital room after the birth...

At 10am Andy came to visit with the grandparents. The first photo of me with my two darling children...

Time to cuddle with... Granny and Oupa...


Great Grandmother...

Our first family photo...

We thank the Lord for a safe and speedy delivery and a wonderful family.

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