Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Some updates

It's really hard to believe that I last blogged in February!!! We moved to Pinelands in Feb and didn't have Internet for a few months. Then a week before we got Internet for our new home our home pc broke so today after having Internet fora few weeks now I just couldn't take it anymore... I HAD TO blog! So I'm blogging on the iPad which of course takes ten times longer and it's beyond my limited knowledge on how to upload photos but I just had to take the first step and BLOG!!!

Looking back on my blogs I'm once again amazed on how fast my little ones are growing and I would love to continue capturing those special moments to look back on in years to come!

I've been keeping notes on my iPhone of special dates which I'd like to record here...

First words
Mamma - 8 months (I have video proof of this :)
Dadda - 8 months
Hello - 8.5 months
Nanna - 8.5 months
Tatta - 8.5 months

Started crawling in Mommy's lounge in the morning of 16 March 2011.

Stood up from sitting position to standing position against side of couch on 22 March 2011. In our lounge while I was sitting on my couch.

Clapped hands for first time with Granny Celia in her lounge on 30 March 2011.

Stood up unsupported for the first time on 29 April 2011.

Got top right front tooth on 3 May 2011

Got bottom right second from center tooth on 11 May 2011.

Got top left front tooth on 15 May 2011.

Stood up for the first time from sitting position on the floor to standing unsupported.

Got tooth next to top right front on 2 June 2011.

Got 8th tooth on 9 July 2011.

Jane took her first step on 29 July 2011. She stood up in the middle of our lounge stepped on foot the the other then sat down and clapped hands. :)

I'm hoping to get some photos up soon!

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